Monday, March 31, 2008

Moab Breakfast

Part of the fun in traveling for Red and me is eating. We love to eat and critique the places we try and the service we receive. All Red needs in the morning is some coffee to get started. I on the other hand need to eat something before I can start the day. Saturday morning I left Red catching some zzzz's and I ventured out to find breakfast. I ran into a place called The Peace Tree Cafe on Main Street in Moab. I had a pleasant enough experience. I ordered a ham, egg, and cheese croissant with a glass of orange juice. The staff was nice enough and my food was served in a timely manner. The only issue I had was with the price of my breakfast. My total came to be eleven dollars and some change. The breakfast was good but not that good. As I found out later most of the resturant fair in Moab seems a little on the pricey side. Tourists to my community can get a full breakfast for about six dollars at several local restaurants. I guess businesses will change what the market will bear but next time I go to Moab I will take into account the inflated cost of food and eat out less.

1 comment:

Dianna said...

It's amazing how much money you can spend eating out. Eleven dollars is a lot of money for a croissant and juice but even five dollars at McDonald's adds up. The Moab breakfast sounded good though, maybe one day I'll check it out.