Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dinner Rut

In my house we have been eating the same things for dinner for the last ten years. We have ten staple recipes that my mother and I make over and over again. Needless to say dinner is very boring and my mother posed the question of how to make dinner interesting again. In the past she has tried to make recipes that she finds interesting. This has back fired because what she finds interesting and what my father, sister, and I are willing to eat are different. After witnessing her frustration over and over again I came up with a solution. I have used other food bloggers indexes as a starting point for ideas for my family.
I have been an avid food blog reader for the last two years and many of the blogs I read have recipe indexes. I print off the indexes and mark the recipes I would like to try. I give the same index to my sister and she marks the recipes she would like to try. Again, I do the same with my father and then I compile a list of all the recipes we agree on and print them off. Once a week either my mother or I will cook one of the chosen recipes and if we all like the recipe it goes onto a recipe card for future making. We have come up with several new staple recipes and have quite a list still to try.
Some of the my favorite blogs to visit for ideas are: Simply Recipes, Hooked On Heat, and Chocolate Zucchini

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