Monday, April 21, 2008

Spell Check Reliance

My spelling has always been atrocious.  I am always substituting easy to spell words for more difficult ones to make the things I write correct.  However, when I am writing on my computer I rely heavily on spell check to correct my spelling errors.  Using Microsoft Word and right clicking on all IBM computers gives me a list of other spellings.  I would choose one and move on.  This was not helping my spelling.  Recently I moved from IBM to a Macintosh and two things have happened that have subsequently improved my spelling.  First when writing on a Mac any word that is spelled incorrectly will be underlined in red.  This lets me know which words I misspell.  The second happening was not being able to right click and instantly correct my spelling made me try correcting the spelling errors myself.  Wow, what a thought I corrected my own spelling mistakes.  
This realization of how auto-spell check let me take the easy way out (while my own fault) upsets me.  I am glad I have made this realization and have taken steps towards correcting my reliance on spell check.  

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